Dog Shedding: 4 Best Tips To Get Rid Of It

Muhammad Tayyab
4 min readJan 10, 2021

Dog shedding is the loss of damaged hairs in dogs naturally or due to some other reason like poor diet, hygiene conditions, etc. If you ever parent a dog in your home, then you are well aware that almost all dogs shed naturally. But the amount and frequency of hairs they lose depending on breed type. Some dogs lose a hair through symptomatic underlying conditions. But in contrast, there is a certain dog breed known as “low Shedders” like Maltese, Tibetan Terror, Miniature Poodle, and Australian Terrier available that doesn’t undergo dog shedding. But if you fall in love with a dog that shed excessively like Saint Bernard, Great Pyrenees, Chow Chow, Akita, Siberian Husky, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Labrador, and Alaskan Malamute you will find furs everywhere in your furniture, carpets and you might get fussed by lingering smell in your home.

Categories of shedding:

Most dogs excluding “American Hairless Terrier” loose hairs by shedding because of physical, and internal body conditions. Some dogs lose hairs seasonally in spring and fall, while others lose hairs annually.

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Seasonal Shedding:

The type of dog’s breed that underdo shedding during cold seasonal conditions are Huskies. During their shedding season dogs develop a thick coat to bear harsh weather conditions This type of breed cyclically loses hairs twice in a year and it is not something alarming for dogs. It can be balanced by curing your dog through proper grooming and an undercoat rake like Fulminator. Seasonal shedding is quite irritating because you find furs and hairs on your furniture, carpets, and all-around your home.

Annual Shedding:

Annual Shedding is usually found in Low Shedder breeds. It is normal for pet dogs to shed hairs once a year to replace dead hairs with new ones. But also take care of annual shedding and if you find furs in your home then it’s the right time to consult and veteran for better treatment.

Tips to minimize shedding:

A dog shed excessively due to poor hygiene conditions, pest and parasite bites, raw diet plans, stress, and use of new brand shampoo or soap for bathing your pet dog. If your dog underdoes excessive shedding, then you will get hairs everywhere and there is the formation of small bald scratches and patches on the coats of your dog. These tips surely help you to minimize shedding:


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If you brush your dog frequently or at least once a day for 5 minutes, then it will lose dead hairs and these hairs are soon replaced by fresh ones. But choosing the right brush is also a problem. According to American Kennel Club (AKC) for short coat breed type use a natural bristle brush and hound mitt brush. And if you parent a dog with long coats then you need a tool that grabs downy undercoat and pull out dead or damaged hairs.

Take away your pet from pets:

Some parasites cause allergy in dogs and they scratch their skin due to excessive irritation. This will result in the loss of hairs and excessive shedding. Use anti pets spray or powders to keep your pet free from bites of these pets. Furthermore, if the situation is getting worse day by day consult your vets to discuss issues and make a conscious effort to keep your pet away from pests and parasites.

Healthy diet plans:

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For a balanced and healthy diet plan visit a veterinarian and consult all about diet plans. It is observed that dogs with poor diet plans are more likely to suffer from shedding because of improper growth of follicle of hairs. According to the American kennel club (AKC) and lolly jane, some dogs develop strong and healthy hairs by the use of supplements like Omega-3 fatty acids that prevent dogs from the heart and several joints diseases.


Bathing with moisturizer or de-shedding shampoo helps to remove dead hairs and also make follicles healthier and stronger. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), It is recommended that regular bathing reduces the risk of shedding and also keep dog coats clean and healthy. Moreover, grooming your dog with brushing and vacuum after bathing decreases shedding.

Photo by Autri Taheri on Unsplash


Dog shedding is one of the most hot topic in pets diseases. If you own a pet then you might be familiar with this disease. If you want to take control on dog shedding take all these remedies to keep your pet healthy. But if situation is getting worse consult your veterinarian for better outputs.



Muhammad Tayyab

Tayyab is a student of Chemical Engineering and a freelance article, blog-post and ghost writer. He is enthusiast and passionate about writing content.