The Secret Behind Why Dogs Love To Eat Chocolates:

Muhammad Tayyab
3 min readJan 14, 2021

Dogs love to eat chocolates; this is what they like to do. Both dogs and humans have identical tastes. Like us, dogs also want to taste and enjoy sweet chocolates. But dogs are not capable to metabolize the chemicals present in chocolates. One of the major reasons behind this intuition is that most dogs like to eat sticky and tenacious chocolates. Naturally, a dog is attracted to sweet and adhesive chocolates, and for similar instincts, you also like to do. Another reason is dogs watch your behavior and responses, if they see that you are more appealed to chocolates then your dog also tries to do the same. If you feel pleased while eating chocolates, then your dog clue and understand your body language.

Photo by Darek Baranowski on Unsplash

Consequences of eating chocolates:

The quantity of chocolate a dog can metabolize depends on its type, composition, weight, and size of a dog. Most chocolates are made up of bitter and dark seeds of the cacao tree which include hazardous and toxic compounds like methylxanthines. This family of compounds includes caffeine and theobromine which when engulfed by dogs induces vomiting, diarrhea, stomach, and an increase in heartbeats rate. If your dog is addicted to eating chocolates, then theobromine is slowly built up. Humans and other species can metabolize theobromine at a faster pace. So, a small dose of this chemical actuator might be lethal. If consumed in large amounts, it leads to permanent brain or nerve damage. According to recent researches, theobromine is also toxic to humans, but we are 5% more resistant to the side effects of this chemical.

If you parent a dog and might be heard about dogs who take an overdose on chocolate without any adverse effects. There might be two reasons, first one is that your dog is resistant to chocolate poisoning. And second is your dog might become habitual of a certain chocolate type that contains fewer amounts of theobromine. According to Patty Oelze, “generally a 20-pound dog’s lethal dose of milk chocolate is about 1 pound, though this amount decreases the more theobromine a piece of chocolate contains”.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Remedies and consideration:

If your dog falls victim to eating excessive chocolates, then you have to quickly consult a vent. According to Dr. Ed Blach, chief medical officer and co-founder of Vet24seven says that if you suspect that your dog has gotten your chocolate, you should watch for “extreme thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle rigidity, agitation, hyperactive behavior, excessive panting, pacing, and seizures”. You shouldn’t have to avoid eating chocolates in front of your dogs. Keep watching all activities of your parented dog if your’s doing something unusual and act strange. It might happen that your dog is continuously consuming chocolates without leaving a trace.

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash


Dogs like to eat chocolates as often as humans. But almost all types of chocolates are poisonous for dogs and leave a worse side effect on their behavior. It is highly recommended to keep watching and tracking your dog's activities to keep it from lethal consequences.



Muhammad Tayyab

Tayyab is a student of Chemical Engineering and a freelance article, blog-post and ghost writer. He is enthusiast and passionate about writing content.